Monday 1 June 2015

Loot Crate May 2015 Review

Loot Crate: May 2015 Review, 'Unite'


So guys, my Loot Crate finally made it! The big downside to ordering a box from the US was that it took absolutely forever to get here, which means that this is, unfortunately, a bit of a late review. Still, I thought I would share my thoughts on the box with you anyway. There seemed to be a decent amount in it, but not a lot of it really 'grabbed' me if I'm being honest. The theme this month was 'Unite'. First up:

Green Ranger T-Shirt (Exclusive)

I really like this t-shirt. It didn't immediately 'wow' me, but it looks good and fits well and I'm overall pretty happy with it. I know a lot of people were completely made up with this t-shirt this month, but I guess it's maybe not so much my style? I will definitely still wear it though. Power Rangers are cool.

Avengers: Age of Ultron Car Decal

As much as I love Avengers, these kind of items really don't excite me. I can't think of where I would ever actually stick this, so it really doesn't have all that much value to me. I kind of dread seeing decals in these boxes. Maybe I'll find a use for it - who knows.

Team Fortress 2 Badges (Exclusive)

Again, I can't get overly excited about badges. I honestly don't know where to put them or what use I can get out of them. When I was a teenager I might have put them on my school bag but unfortunately they're not the kind of thing I can decorate my handbags with as an adult. They are cute, but a bit of a useless item for me.

Bravest  Warriors Tales from the Holo John #1 (Exclusive cover)

I love getting a comic inside these boxes, and this appears to be an exclusive cover design. I really like this, and hopefully will get time to sit down and have a read of it soon.

MAD Magazine Loot Crate Edition (Exclusive)

I've never read a MAD magazine before so I have no idea what to expect from this. It seems pretty cool to flick through, but otherwise I'm not totally excited about receiving it.

Marvel Ice Tray

My heart sort of sunk when I saw that I got an ice tray. I've received novelty ice trays in boxes before and they honestly just clutter up my house. There isn't enough room for them in the freezer and, let's be honest, I'm far too lazy to use them to make anything more impressive than ice. That is just my bias against ice trays though - to be fair to the product, it is good quality and looks as though it would make some neat looking ice cubes. I'm just not a fan of novelty ice trays unfortunately.

Marvel Sneaker Laces (Exclusive)

So, I didn't get a picture of these in the packaging - mainly because I forgot - so a picture of them in one of my Converse shoes will have to do. I believe there were two colour possibilities with these, so you could get either full colour comic laces or you could get the greyscale ones that I received. I'm quite glad I got the greyscale ones, just because they do seem to be a little more subtle. These are cool though, and I like that they make my boring black Converse a bit different.

Rick and Morty Jigsaw Puzzle (Exclusive)

I think I mentioned before that my main reason for ordering a Loot Crate this month was the promise of a Rick and Morty themed item. I have very mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, it is a unique Rick and Morty item - which is exactly what I was after. One the's a puzzle. I suppose it gives me something to do on the rare occasions when I have an hour or so to kill, but other than that I'm a little disappointed that it wasn't something a bit cooler/more collectable. 

I'm starting to get the feeling that when sub boxes promise to include an amazing item relating to a particular fandom, that item will be one of the smaller and more disappointing things that you will find in your box. Maybe I'm just cynical, but that has been my experience so far. At least this isn't as bad as the small Totoro badge set that NerdBlock included, following the amount of hype they gave that.

Anyway, as you might have guessed, me and Loot Crate didn't gel all that well. I can see how this could have been a really good box for some people; there were a lot of high quality and exclusive items included. Unfortunately, very little of it was to my taste. There seemed to be quite a lot of filler that I wasn't very interested in.

I won't be getting a Loot Crate next month. I may sign up again in the future, although this box has put me off a little. Next month will be themed 'Cyber' (which I already know I wouldn't like at all), so I would expect lots of futuristic, robot type things. If you happen to like the things in this Loot Crate and you like Cyber type stuff, then do get yourself signed up - everything in terms of the customer service and the delivery has been flawless. Don't let the fact that this wasn't to my taste put you off from trying it out if it sounds like your sort of thing.

Next month I will be swapping Loot Crate for a new UK box (started in April), so keep an eye out for updates and reviews on that.

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