Wednesday 19 August 2015

Nerd Block August 2015 Review

Nerd Block: August 2015 Review, 'Summer Mix Tape'


My Nerd Block arrived this morning! The theme was 'Summer Mix Tape' and I was really unsure about how they were going to make that work. In honesty it seems to be a real mash-up of items this month and I don't know how well it all came together ultimately.

'Ghostbusters' T-Shirt

I really liked the t-shirt this month. It says 'who you gonna call?!' in a comic strip style. It's a really unusual/fresh way of bringing the Ghostbusters into a box like this. The t-shirt itself is brown as well, which I have never had in a sub box before! It might not be the most exciting colour but thank god it isn't another black t-shirt.

'Ghostbusters' Lunch Box

This took up most of the space in the box this month. I was really unsure at first - mostly because I would never ever legitimately carry this around as a lunch box! Since then though, I have discovered that I can use it as a really cool storage solution for a load of notebooks and things on my desk. I'm not in love with it as the 'big item' this month, but I will get some use out of it. (I'm also not completely sure how a lunch box is 'summer mix tape' related in any way?!)

'Slimer' Plush (Nerd Block Exclusive by Monster Factory)

Opening the lunch box revealed this fantastic Ghostbusters plush. I love this guy! I think he might have been my favourite item in the box.

Awkward Family Postcards

I like Awkward Family Photos...but they are widely available for free on the internet, which stops this from being a particularly impressive item. I also don't like the postcard format really - I would much rather have a book. There's quite a few of them, they're good quality and they're sort of amusing, but that's all there really is to say about them.

Rubik's Cube Stress Ball

This is a cute filler item. I don't have a stress ball so this will probably get some use. The only downside for me is that it's too large for my freakishly small hands, so it is difficult to squeeze. It looks good on my desk though!

'A Coaster of Kings', Game of Thrones Coasters

I was really excited when I saw these, but disappointed when I got them out of the packaging. The designs are fantastic but the quality is terrible - they are essentially four cardboard discs and I have a feeling they will be ruined by the first water ring that hits them.

A closer look:

It's a shame because I like them a lot. I might try laminating them so that they'll actually be useful.

As usual, Nerd Block included a really good info card to tell you about this month's items.


I did like most of the items in the box, but I didn't love it. I think I might have liked it more if they had marketed it more honestly - because I don't for a minute understand how any of this stuff can be grouped under the heading 'summer mix tape'. I didn't get the theme at all. I really enjoyed the Ghostbusters items though, and the filler items were better than you'll find in a lot of other subs.

The biggest downside of this month was receiving this in my box:

Because this means I'm going to have to skip a month! I might replace it with a Horror Block or Arcade Block review for you guys, but I definitely will not get this box. The theme is 'Hyperspace' and I know that there will be nothing in there to interest me in the slightest.

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