Thursday 21 May 2015

Popinabox May 2015 Review

Popinabox: May 2015 Review (1 Pop)


    My Popinabox arrived on May 21st and I was so excited to find out which mystery Funko Pop I got this month. I chose to only get one Pop, at £11.99 (including p&p). Once they announced that my Pop had been dispatched it arrived really quickly, so I was happy with that. The delivery man actually came while I was in the shower, so I apologise for the drips on the box – I was too excited to dry my hair before opening:

Obviously there isn’t that much mystery once the box has been opened – you can see pretty clearly who you got! I got Leela from Futurama, which I had given a ‘thumbs up’ because I really love my animated shows.

I’m really happy with her, but I did have a giggle when I discovered that she couldn’t stand up by herself. Her ponytail is really heavy so she topples straight onto her back every time. I solved this problem by leaning her against a photo frame:

A nice addition to the Popinabox is that they always include some popping candy in the box too, so you can get a nice sugar high while you unpack your Pop.

I had a really good experience with Popinabox this month. So much so, that I have increased my subscription to 2 Pops!

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