Tuesday 2 June 2015

NerdBlock June 2015 Spoilers

NerdBlock: Spoilers for the June 2015 box!

The theme for June's NerdBlock has been announced: 'British Invasion'!

This is potentially a good one for us Brits and there's a lot of stuff that would be exciting to see. NerdBlock has confirmed that one of the items in the box will be 'Mr. Bean' related and one of the items will be 'Doctor Who' related.

I'm not personally a huge fan of Mr. Bean, so I'm hoping that item won't be one of the bigger ones. It seems a slightly random choice to me for a geeky themed box, but I'm hoping that I'll be pleasantly surprised.

I am very excited for the Doctor Who item though. NerdBlock have stated that the t-shirt is not the Doctor Who themed item, but it could be anything else. I'm praying for a Pop or any other awesome collectable - I hope that it isn't just a filler item.

Last month NerdBlock massively advertised the inclusion of a 'My Neighbour Totoro' item, only for it to be a rubbish pack of badges. If that happens again with the Doctor Who item then I will definitely be annoyed about that. The themes that they advertise should be present on at least half-decent items.

Other than that, I'm really excited about the theme. I'm personally hoping that there's no Red Dwarf stuff included, but there's a ton of other amazing British shows that could be represented (Sherlock and Harry Potter themed items would be incredible).

Last month I received my box on the 18th (I think?), so I'm guessing it will arrive around the same time for this month. Keep checking back for my review of the British Invasion NerdBlock!

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