Monday 1 June 2015


FanMail: Brand New Geeky Subscription Box for Women


I literally only discovered that this box existed a few days ago and got so excited that I signed up on the spot. They have never put out a box before and they are USA based - and unfortunately the international shipping costs an absolute fortune. The box itself is only $21.99, but the shipping put it up to around $40. If you want this box in the UK then you will have to be prepared to pay around £30 all in all, making it really quite expensive. It's not the kind of risk that I would usually take, but these guys are putting a whole new spin on the geek box that completely appeals to me.

First of all, it is entirely set up by women with other nerdy women in mind. They don't try to discourage men from buying the box too, but they are approaching this box with the idea of putting out more items that will appeal to women. Some might call it 'unnecessary', but personally I have noticed that some of the geeky sub boxes (at least the more mainstream ones) are almost entirely channeled towards men. For the most part that is fine, as many of the items are unisex and can be enjoyed by everyone, but there is a tendency to almost completely ignore fandoms that have more female followers than male. I don't begrudge the guys this - the box companies are just putting out the things that they think will sell best and be most popular - but I am excited to have a box that has both my interests and the fact that I'm a woman in mind.

The first box, June 2015, is going to be themed 'Fantasy'. Other than that, there is almost no other information available about the contents. That does make me a little nervous, but I'm also really excited about the potential here for a really great new sub box.

However things turn out, I have ordered myself a box and I will report back with the contents once it arrives.

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