Friday 19 June 2015

Popinabox June 2015 Review

Popinabox: June 2015 Review


My popinabox for June finally arrived today! Getting new pops is one of my favourite things in the world right now, so I always find these boxes especially exciting. Last month I opted for the '1 pop' box, but this month I decided to spend a little more and go for the double pop experience.

Unfortunately, I was a little disappointed when I opened the box. Part of that is my fault - I am completely responsible for saying which pops I do and don't want to receive (popinabox will never send you a pop that you have 'disliked'). However, the real problem for me wasn't that they sent a character that I didn't want, but that they sent me two versions of the exact same character.

Now, I can appreciate Iron Man as much as the next person, but I really didn't want to see two of him in my box!

The pops themselves are pretty ace though - they are both bobbleheads and super cute. I would have been thrilled to have received one of these along with another, more varied, pop.

I don't really blame popinabox for my disappointment at the end of the day, I think I have just learned an important lesson about being more specific with them about what I like/dislike. I've realised that I find the superhero/Marvel pops a lot less exciting than pops representing other fandoms that I love, so I've adjusted my settings accordingly. 

Hopefully next month will reflect my tastes a little better and I'll be really happy with the next two pops they send!

(Oh and I forgot to mention that the box came with popping candy as per usual, which I really love!)

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