Sunday 28 June 2015

Popinabox Customer Service

Popinabox Customer Service: the Jon Snow Saga

Hey guys, this is neither a review or a new box but I wanted to take a moment to make a positive comment about the customer service from Popinabox.

I decided to try out their order system now that I've had a couple of subscription boxes from them, so I ordered myself a 'Winged Castiel' Pop and a 'Jon Snow Castle Black Muddy Pop'. My Jon Snow came this morning:

Rather embarrassingly, I hadn't realised that the 'Muddy' aspect of the Pop was rather subtle and I assumed they had sent the wrong Pop. I messaged them and lots of emails were exchanged, including a lot of errors/technology hurdles. Basically, we figured out that I was being a noob and the Jon Snow was perfect and exactly as I had ordered. I was particularly red faced for kicking up a fuss on a Sunday of all days!

The experience has taught me three things though, 1) Popinabox have great customer service, 2) their order system is just as good as the subscription service, 3) they will not openly laugh in your face if you're a bit of an idiot.

Jon (very definitely Muddy) is now settled in with the other GOT Pops:

Infinity Crate June 2015 Review

Infinity Crate: June 2015 Review, 'Gather'


This month's Infinity Crate reached me on Friday - apologies for not posting it until now. This was one of my favourite boxes last month, so I was really excited to get my June box.

'Over Encumbered' Skyrim T-shirt

I absolutely love the t-shirt again this month. I'm a massive fan of Skyrim (well, all of the Elder Scrolls really!) so this was a huge hit for me. I will wear this a lot. The lettering is gold and slightly glittery, and the picture shows a massive pile of loot. I like that it's quite subtle, so only people who have played Skyrim will really get what it's driving at. It looks like there was a variety of t-shirts you could end up with this month, including a Pokemon one, a Marvel one and a Disney one. I like all of those to some extent, but I'm thrilled that they sent me a Skyrim t-shirt. I also think that this was an amazing fit with the theme - and not one I had anticipated!

Ultron Funko Pop

I was quite amused to find this in my box after I was complaining the other day about the size of my Marvel Funko Pop collection. To be fair to Infinity Crates, Marvel is on my list of interests! I do have way more Marvel Pops than I need now though. I still really like this guy - he's a cute bobblehead and he's got some really nice detailing on him. It looks like people received 1 of 4 different Pops, and Ultron is actually the only character I know/like out of all of them, so it was the best outcome for this box ultimately. For me though, this fit the theme least out of all of the items. None of the Pops seem to be overly relevant to the 'gather' theme, so I was a little disappointed that they didn't have some different ones on offer.

Yoshi Keyring

This is adorable. Yoshi is my favourite character in the Mario franchise and always my first choice in Mario Kart! He's a little bigger than I would like for a keyring, but he's got a nice place on my shelf. I liked how this fit into the 'gather' theme as well.

Golden Nuggets Bubblegum

I haven't tried this bubblegum before, although I was always a big fan of the cereal growing up. The bag is a really nice way to present the sweets and it was a cute little addition that worked nicely with the theme.

Infinity Crates Badges

Everyone knows badges are my favourite...These guys are forgiven though, because they included a badge of the First Blade from Supernatural. I also like the Pokemon badge quite a lot. The minecraft and skull badges don't really interest me, but they can be added to my badge pile.

Collectibles for Dummies Poster

This poster has kind of a similar feel to last month's poster, but I like it. It's very quirky. It lists all the ways in which you can gather loot in video games.

Information Card

I love the information cards that Infinity Crates include. Some boxes don't include cards or they include cards with limited information, which really annoys me. Infinity Crates always tell you exactly what you should have had in your box, as well as showing you the alternative options - which always reassures me that they are doing a good job of matching the boxes to my interests.

So, although the Pop wasn't perfect, Infinity Crates remain to be one of my favourite subscription box companies. I think they do a great job to sticking to your interests when they put the boxes together and they always give you a very reasonable amount of stuff for what you're paying.

The theme for July 2015 is 'Time & Space'. I have no plans to cancel this box any time soon, so look out for more reviews :)

I just hope people stop sending me Marvel Pops!

Monday 22 June 2015

My Geek Box June 2015 Review

My Geek Box: June 2015 Review, 'Abilities'


I finally got my first My Geek Box on Saturday! It arrived a little later than I thought it would, but I think they had a lot of customers this month due to the promise of a European exclusive Funko Pop. The theme was abilities, so I was expecting a lot of superhero/Marvel/DC type items.

I'm going to start with the exclusive Pop, which everyone was very excited for:

Unmasked Cyclops Funko Pop (European Exclusive)

I have to admit, an unmasked version of an existing Pop is not an overly exciting reveal after all of the anticipation that had built around this item. Having said that, I love Pops of basically any kind and I do seem to be building (unintentionally) quite a large Marvel Pop collection! He fits in great with the theme and he's an adorable little bobblehead - so I can't complain.

'Mutant Academy' X-Men T-Shirt

This t-shirt is great for any X-Men fan - it's a really subtle design and I absolutely love that about it. It's great to see a white t-shirt in one of these boxes too. I understand why they don't send a lot of t-shirts in really bold colours, but I'm not a big fan of black t-shirts and my wardrobe is almost completely grey as it is. It fits great and looks great, so I'm very happy with it.

Star Wars Mouse Mat

I'll be honest - I don't like this item at all. 1) I don't like Star Wars and 2) I don't use a mouse with my laptop. It's completely useless to me. It will either be sold or thrown in a bin because I don't even know anyone who would appreciate something like this. A little disappointing to be honest, but hopefully other people got more out of this item than I did. I think they sent out a couple of different designs too (all Star Wars).

Spiderman Cards

I don't really know what these are - I'm assuming something that's collectible? Cards aren't really my thing, so they'll probably go the same way as the mouse mat. This would be a nice little filler item for a collector though.

Marvel Badges

I think everyone knows by now that I don't think much to badges in these boxes, but these are definitely some of the nicer badges I've received. I'm building an extensive badge collection thanks to these boxes - I need to figure out something to do with them all!

Now & Later Sweets

These appear to be American sweets, labelled as 'long lasting chews'. They're kind of a brightly coloured, strongly flavoured mixture of gum and Starburst type sweets. They're very weird. I can't tell if I like them.

Overall, the box was okay - it had good points and bad points. I liked the two big items, which is always a good thing. I could have done without any of the rest of it though. I'm wondering if the exclusive Pop is the reason why the rest of the box is a bit rubbish - as previous boxes that I've seen just seem to have way better content.

I'm signed up for 3 months, so I'll definitely be getting the next two boxes at least. So far I'm not convinced, but I'll reserve judgement for now. July's box is going to be themed 'Nemesis', so anything could be in store for the next box.

Friday 19 June 2015

NerdBlock June 2015 Review

NerdBlock: June 2015 Review, 'British Invasion'


My NerdBlock arrived today! It was incredibly speedy (as it was last month) and arrived within a couple of days of shipping.

As a Brit I was a little sceptical about how we would be represented in this 'British Invasion' box, but I'm happy to report that this box was actually the best geeky subscription box I have received yet! Almost everything in the box was a total hit for me and I enjoyed unboxing it all so much.

First up:

Mr Bean's Teddy

This was the first thing that I saw upon opening the box and I was literally so happy I squealed! When I heard that there would be Mr Bean items in the box I was worried that they had the potential to be a little bit rubbish/useless, but this is actually amazing. I grew up watching Mr Bean and Teddy was always a favourite for me - I used to love the Christmas episode where Teddy got new eyes in his stocking :) This item is very nostalgic for me and will be much loved. He's great quality and really squishy, with bean bag type material on his insides.

Doctor Who Titans Vinyl Figure

As if Teddy wasn't enough, we also got a fantastic Doctor Who item! I'm not sure if the figure was the same for everyone, but the one that I received is David Tennant's 10th Doctor (who happens to be my favourite). I've never had a Titans figure before but he is really cute and really well made. I took him out of the packaging and discovered he also comes with a little sonic screwdriver to hold in his hand, which is adorable! Totally made up with this item - I'm a massive Doctor Who fan.

Sherlock 'Bored' ShirtPunch T-shirt

Another one of my favourite fandoms being represented in this box! I'm really loving every ShirtPunch t-shirt that I've been sent so far, the artwork is always fantastic and they look really unique. This t-shirt is a huge win for any Sherlock fan - I'm so pleased with it.

Mr Bean Bendable

This is a cool figure, but it didn't excite me as much as the inclusion of Teddy. I've yet to take him out of the packet and test his bending skills but he seems like a really fun, quirky item to have around. I can't say it's necessarily my thing but it fits well with the theme and is a lot more interesting than receiving badges/stickers/tat.

Monty Python Magnets

I feel like a really bad Brit when I confess that I don't like Monty Python. I feel like I've failed my country. Fortunately, my parents are fond of Monty Python and can hopefully have some fun with these magnets. It's a really lovely, well made set and seems like it could be endlessly fun to play around with if you're a fan. It's a fantastic fit with the theme and I think a lot of people will really enjoy finding this in their boxes.

Whovian Art Print

I love this Doctor Who print - it has gone straight up on my wall! The paper is really thick compared to prints that I've received in other boxes, and it arrived in perfect condition without any bumps or creases. 

Now, just a quick shot of the info card that came with the box:

As I said at the start, this is the best geek box I've had yet. I either loved or liked everything in it. I think Brits in particular will get a lot out of this month's items. Last month's theme wasn't overly relatable to me, so I've loved having the opportunity to get a box from NerdBlock that really spoke to my interests.

NerdBlock have announced that the theme for the July box will be 'Humanity's Last Hope' (I will do a spoilers post as more info is revealed). It isn't really speaking to me as a theme, so I think I may deviate a little for July and switch to either the HorrorBlock or the ArcadeBlock temporarily.

Let me know what you thought of this month's box!

Popinabox June 2015 Review

Popinabox: June 2015 Review


My popinabox for June finally arrived today! Getting new pops is one of my favourite things in the world right now, so I always find these boxes especially exciting. Last month I opted for the '1 pop' box, but this month I decided to spend a little more and go for the double pop experience.

Unfortunately, I was a little disappointed when I opened the box. Part of that is my fault - I am completely responsible for saying which pops I do and don't want to receive (popinabox will never send you a pop that you have 'disliked'). However, the real problem for me wasn't that they sent a character that I didn't want, but that they sent me two versions of the exact same character.

Now, I can appreciate Iron Man as much as the next person, but I really didn't want to see two of him in my box!

The pops themselves are pretty ace though - they are both bobbleheads and super cute. I would have been thrilled to have received one of these along with another, more varied, pop.

I don't really blame popinabox for my disappointment at the end of the day, I think I have just learned an important lesson about being more specific with them about what I like/dislike. I've realised that I find the superhero/Marvel pops a lot less exciting than pops representing other fandoms that I love, so I've adjusted my settings accordingly. 

Hopefully next month will reflect my tastes a little better and I'll be really happy with the next two pops they send!

(Oh and I forgot to mention that the box came with popping candy as per usual, which I really love!)

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Noob Cube June 2015 Review

Noob Cube: June 2015 Review, 'Creature Feature'


I actually had no idea what was in this package when it was delivered today - it was massive! When I took off the brown paper I discovered that it was...

Double Noob Cube! This month's items took up so much space that double cube space was required.

The box on the left contained the information leaflets and the majority of the items, while the box on the right only contained one large item.

These just gave some basic information about Noob Cube, along with a nice flier that showed the 'top 3 things happening in June' and revealed the theme of the next box.

Goliath Pop Vinyl

This was the large item in the box on the right hand side. It is amazing! It's honestly the largest Pop I have ever seen and the detailing is extremely impressive. I looked up the price and found that these go for £15 new, so that's a great value item to get in a £20 box. 

Unfortunately I have never played Evolve, as I'm not particularly fond of first person shooter games, but I love this guy in his own right. I'm definitely going to be keeping him in my Pop collection.

I took a pic of him with a couple of my other Pops, so that you can get an idea of the size:

There was only one other substantial/significant item in the box(es), which I'm guessing is down to the size and price of Goliath but was a little disappointing.

Jurassic World Model Car

I can see this being a big win for people who collect this type of thing as it is really nice and in perfect condition. Unfortunately vehicle models like this really don't do a lot for me. I will display it along with all my other dinosaur related memorabilia, but I don't feel all that excited to own it if I'm being honest. I was sort of hoping that the Jurassic World item would be something a little more fun/useful, though I'm glad that it turned out to be an actual collectible rather than a piece of tat!

Guardians of the Galaxy Festival Wristbands

These are quite a cool filler item. I used to collect festival bands (back when I was a teen with an actual life), so these really take me back to that. They're good quality too, so definitely wearable. The one thing that confused me was that I found the link between Guardians of the Galaxy and 'Creature Feature' a little tenuous. I mean, it sort of works...? But there are way more relevant fandoms that could have been represented in this box.

Maynard's Mini Creatures

These were really tasty (though there weren't enough of them). They're basically animal shaped wine gums. They tied in with the theme well though and were a nice treat.

Minions Temporary Tattoos

I love minions and I have a childish affection for temporary tattoos, so these are nice. They're a pretty typical filler item, but at least I may actually get some use out of them.

Tamagotchi Friends

I saved this until last because I still have the 'wtf' expression on my face. The packaging does very little to enlighten me about what this actually is/does. I think it's just a model? Obviously it relates to Tamagotchi. Other than that, it's just a small and very, very pink mini figure. I just...don't know. Are these a thing? Does anybody know why on earth they would include this? If anyone can enlighten me I would really appreciate it. It's currently sat on a shelf with my dinosaur collection and it really couldn't look more out of place. It's SO PINK!


I loved the big Pop, but I felt that the rest of the items really suffered from its inclusion. Even disregarding the bizarre Tamagotchi thing, the other items weren't overly impressive. The idea behind the theme was so good that I think there were some missed opportunities to include some really great games and fandoms. The quality was certainly there though and the value of the items was far more than I paid, so I cannot complain on that count. I will give them another chance in the future I think, but I will wait until they bring out a theme that I really can't resist.

(NB: This subscription does NOT auto renew, so you have complete control over which boxes you do and do not receive)

Noob Cube: July 2015 Spoilers

The theme for next month, July 2015, is 'Bad Robot'. This could either be a reference to all things robot and cyber in general or it could be a reference to the production company Bad Robot, which made Lost, Fringe, Star Trek (the film) and others. Either way, this theme is not for me and I will not be ordering this box. I'll keep an eye out for other upcoming themes though and let you know if I'll be getting another box in.

Thank you for reading!

Friday 5 June 2015

Lootmonster May 2015 Review

Lootmonster: May 2015 Review, 'Marvel'


I finally received my Lootmonster box for May 2015 today. I have to say straight away that I was unimpressed with receiving a May box a week into June. I contacted customer service when it hadn't arrived and they were very polite and helpful, but their only explanation for the lateness of the box was that they had been at a lot of cons and received a lot of orders. I do have some sympathy for how busy they've been, but it is their job to be prepared at the end of the day. Anyway, I'll move onto the box:

I don't actually remember being aware of any theme for the box this month, but it was immediately apparent that the theme was 'Marvel'.

'The Punisher' T-shirt

I really liked the t-shirt that they included this month! I'm not normally a huge fan of black t-shirts, so I was expecting to be a bit 'meh' about this once I saw what colour it was, but it looks really cool. It's a little thinner than t-shirts I've got in other boxes, but not thin enough for the quality to really be called into question.

Odin Funko Pop Bobblehead

As I'm sure you know by now, I absolutely love getting Pops in my mystery boxes! Odin is awesome, his detailing is amazing and the fact that he is a bobblehead is just the icing on the cake. He looks so cute in my Pop collection. Hopefully I can get some other Marvel characters in the future to keep him company.

Marvel Play-Doh Can-Heads

As cute as this looks I admit that I was a little confused to see this in a box aimed at adults. It might have been a little more appropriate in a box aimed specifically at juniors. I concede that you're never really too old to enjoy Play-Doh, but this very much has the feel of a kids' playset. I have a feeling that this will likely be getting passed on to my young cousin.

Marvel Stationery Set

Again, this item had a pretty young feel to it but the pencil and pen are actually really cool. I will probably keep these scattered about my desk for general use. It's not something I would ever have bothered to purchase for myself but these things will be nice to have lying around.

Marvel Top Trumps

This was pretty cool to get, I always loved playing Top Trumps when I was younger. The cards themselves are really nice so it'll be a lovely set to hold on to.

Daredevil Action Figure

To me this seemed to be the most random item in the box. It's just a stationary toy figure of Daredevil - I guess there isn't that much more you can say about it. I wasn't excited about this really, but I think that may be down to a combination of apathy towards Daredevil and the fact that I don't collect or hang on to this sort of toy. For anyone who does like to collect this type of thing, I can see this being a really nice inclusion. From a brief look at what other people have received they sent around a mix of figures, so different people would have got different Marvel characters.

Spiderman Rubber Bracelet

This actually matches my Batman bracelet (Infinity Crate, May 2015) perfectly. It's a shame I will never actually wear either of them because I'm not 13 years old. They are both just looking cute on my shelf until I figure out what I'm going to do with them.

Marvel Heroes Candy Sticks

I love candy sticks. Enough said - great addition.


This was a really great box in terms of both quality and quantity of content. A t-shirt, a Pop, 1 big item, 3 smaller items and some filler is quite a lot to get in a mystery box. Despite the price, you definitely do get a fair amount for your money. The theme wasn't the best for me - I like Marvel, but I don't love it to the extent that any of these items would really make my day. For a big Marvel fan though this box would be incredible.

Lootmonster is, by far, one of the most expensive boxes on the market and that is the real downside for me. It's the main reason that this is just going to be a one-off box for now. I was impressed by them, so if I hear about a really great upcoming theme I reckon I would sign up again. Unfortunately, this month the items just didn't excite me enough to out-weigh that steep price.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

NerdBlock June 2015 Spoilers

NerdBlock: Spoilers for the June 2015 box!

The theme for June's NerdBlock has been announced: 'British Invasion'!

This is potentially a good one for us Brits and there's a lot of stuff that would be exciting to see. NerdBlock has confirmed that one of the items in the box will be 'Mr. Bean' related and one of the items will be 'Doctor Who' related.

I'm not personally a huge fan of Mr. Bean, so I'm hoping that item won't be one of the bigger ones. It seems a slightly random choice to me for a geeky themed box, but I'm hoping that I'll be pleasantly surprised.

I am very excited for the Doctor Who item though. NerdBlock have stated that the t-shirt is not the Doctor Who themed item, but it could be anything else. I'm praying for a Pop or any other awesome collectable - I hope that it isn't just a filler item.

Last month NerdBlock massively advertised the inclusion of a 'My Neighbour Totoro' item, only for it to be a rubbish pack of badges. If that happens again with the Doctor Who item then I will definitely be annoyed about that. The themes that they advertise should be present on at least half-decent items.

Other than that, I'm really excited about the theme. I'm personally hoping that there's no Red Dwarf stuff included, but there's a ton of other amazing British shows that could be represented (Sherlock and Harry Potter themed items would be incredible).

Last month I received my box on the 18th (I think?), so I'm guessing it will arrive around the same time for this month. Keep checking back for my review of the British Invasion NerdBlock!

Monday 1 June 2015


FanMail: Brand New Geeky Subscription Box for Women


I literally only discovered that this box existed a few days ago and got so excited that I signed up on the spot. They have never put out a box before and they are USA based - and unfortunately the international shipping costs an absolute fortune. The box itself is only $21.99, but the shipping put it up to around $40. If you want this box in the UK then you will have to be prepared to pay around £30 all in all, making it really quite expensive. It's not the kind of risk that I would usually take, but these guys are putting a whole new spin on the geek box that completely appeals to me.

First of all, it is entirely set up by women with other nerdy women in mind. They don't try to discourage men from buying the box too, but they are approaching this box with the idea of putting out more items that will appeal to women. Some might call it 'unnecessary', but personally I have noticed that some of the geeky sub boxes (at least the more mainstream ones) are almost entirely channeled towards men. For the most part that is fine, as many of the items are unisex and can be enjoyed by everyone, but there is a tendency to almost completely ignore fandoms that have more female followers than male. I don't begrudge the guys this - the box companies are just putting out the things that they think will sell best and be most popular - but I am excited to have a box that has both my interests and the fact that I'm a woman in mind.

The first box, June 2015, is going to be themed 'Fantasy'. Other than that, there is almost no other information available about the contents. That does make me a little nervous, but I'm also really excited about the potential here for a really great new sub box.

However things turn out, I have ordered myself a box and I will report back with the contents once it arrives.

Noob Cube

NoobCube: New Geeky Subscription Box


I signed up to Noob Cube today following my cancellation of Loot Crate (see Loot Crate May 2015 Review). They're pretty new to the sub box market, with their first box only going out in April 2015. It's worth having a look at the contents of the April and May boxes, because they seem like a really strong collection of items for a subscription service that is just starting out.

The box is £20 per month (including p&p), or they offer bulk packages with discounts so that you can pay for 3 months, 6 months, a year etc. They also deliver internationally, which you don't usually see with a company that is just starting out. There is no guarantee surrounding the kind of items each box will contain, but they do say that there will be 6-8 items included.

The box that I'll be getting is the June 2015, the theme of which is 'Creature Feature'. The theme sounds totally up my street, so I'm looking forward to seeing what they include. They have promised that a Jurassic World item will be included in this box, which has got me really excited because I am absolutely mad about dinosaurs. I love the original three Jurassic Park movies and I cannot wait to see Jurassic World. I am trying not to get my hopes up too much though, since we saw with NerdBlock and Loot Crate's May boxes that the most hyped up items can be disappointing.

Aside from that, Noob Cube have announced that the June box has so much stuff in it that they are having to send out two boxes this month. I'm intrigued by this because I don't think I've ever seen another subscription company do this. I would imagine that it must be costing them a fair amount more to send two boxes to each person, considering that they don't charge for postage. 

I believe that the box (or boxes!) will be delivered around mid-June, so I'll try to get a review up ASAP.

Infinity Crate May 2015 Review

Infinity Crate: May 2015 Review, 'Loss'


My Infinity Crate finally got here on the 28th of May. I think I mentioned before that this was the one that I was most excited for this month. The boxes are £17 (including p&p) and this month's theme was 'Loss' (with a hint at a Supernatural inclusion). Infinity Crate are the only sub box that I know of to take your interests into account when sending you items - so that you hopefully get more of what you do like and less of what you don't like. Before we get into it, let me tell you that this box did not let me down one bit! The first thing that I saw may have excited me so much that I let out a little squeal:

Supernatural T-Shirt

I would happily have paid £20 just for the pleasure of owning this t-shirt, so this alone made the box worth every penny for me. It says 'Saving People, Hunting Things, The Family Business' - which is self explanatory for anyone who watches the show. Those that haven't seen it need to stop reading this and go and watch it. I also should mention that the t-shirt is great quality, though it does run slightly small. It still fits me well, but it is a little more snug than other sub box t-shirts (I get all of my t-shirts in a Small btw, if that gives anyone a frame of reference).

'The Mountain' Funko Pop Vinyl

So far Infinity Crate have got full marks on this box! I love Game of Thrones almost as much as Supernatural, so this Pop was a real win for me. Unfortunately his box got quite badly battered in the post and is a little damaged, which I guess is always a risk when buying online. Thankfully the Pop itself is in perfect condition, so I'm not overly concerned.

Batman Rubber Bracelet

Bit of a filler item. I'm not sure I'll ever get any use out of it. I do like Batman though, and it was on my list of interests so I can't fault Infinity Crate on that count. It's something I would probably have worn ten years ago, being a super depressed, nerdy teenager, but I can't think of anything to use it for these days.

Walking Dead Decal

Walking Dead actually wasn't on my interests. I would love to get into it, but I'm a massive coward and I get too scared watching it on my own. My partner watched a couple of episodes with me, but now that we've broken up I have no one to use as my human shield for watching scary things. I might have to convince a friend that they want to get into it. Anyway - I have mentioned my opinion on decals here before I think - I'm not overly bothered with this item. No idea where I would stick it, even if I was into the show. Maybe I'll think of something.

Assorted Temporary Tattoos

If it looks like there is a bit missing at the top there, that's because there is. As soon as I saw the Batman temporary tattoo I acted like a giddy child and stuck it straight on. 

I then regretted it as soon as I realised that I had to go out in public. Oh well. These are cool though. I won't use the Star Wars ones but the others might be good fun. I'm definitely saving the anti-possession Supernatural tattoo for something good.

Cause of Death Poster

This Mario themed poster is really cute and has gone straight up on the wall by my desk. I love quirky posters like this - they're a filler item that I tend to really like. So far I haven't actually got many posters in my boxes, so I hope I start seeing a few more.

Overall, I really couldn't have been happier with this box. It really did hinge on the main two items, as everything else was pretty much filler, but if you like those two things then I think the box would be a hit for you. They've done a great job of matching my interests for the big stuff, so that really worked for me. Even a couple of the filler items were things that I was genuinely pleased with and enjoyed. 

I'm definitely keeping this box going for a few more months. If it keeps delivering things that are so perfect for me then I can see myself really enjoying it. It was the one I was most excited for and it has definitely been my favourite UK geek sub box so far. 

Next month, June 2015, they are doing the theme 'Gather', which I would imagine will have maybe a bit of a fantasy twist? It is very hard to say though. Hopefully it's as great as this one!