Wednesday 29 July 2015

Nerd Block August 2015 Spoilers

Nerd Block: August 2015 Spoilers, 'Summer Mix Tape'


Nerd Block have now released 3 spoilers for their August 2015 'Summer Mix Tape' box! This theme seems to be a bit of an odd one - it doesn't bring a lot of obvious things to mind and I think we can probably expect to see a bit of a mash up of items. I'm unsure about it, but willing to give it a chance. 

The item spoilers that have been released are:

  • A Ghostbusters Exclusive
  • A plush from Monster Factory
  • Awkward Family Photos

These all sound to me like potentially great items. I personally love receiving plush items, though I know that some people aren't too keen. I've only ever seen Awkward Family Photos on an online blog or in book form, so my best guess would be that we're going to get some sort of book in the box. I'm excited about the Ghostbusters Exclusive. We saw a Ghostbusters item in the last box and it was a little disappointing (a basic fold wallet), so I'm hoping that they make up for it with something more substantial for August.

I'll update this post if any more spoilers are released. Otherwise, look out for my review towards the end of next month :)

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