Tuesday 4 August 2015

Geek Fuel July 2015 Review

Geek Fuel: July 2015 Review

Link: www.geekfuel.com

This month I decided to review a new box for you all - Geek Fuel. They are an American company that ships to the UK. The first thing to note with this box is that it takes almost 2 weeks to get to us Brits, so this is not one for the impatient! A monthly subscription will cost you approx £19-20 (including shipping fees), so it isn't overly expensive for an overseas box. However, the value of the items also appears to be a little lower than in other boxes.

The box arrived in great condition, despite the long journey. It is not a subtle box though, being bright red and emblazoned with 'GeekFuel' in large print.

Note: I had a promo code that meant I included a 'bonus' item. I'm including it in the review, but keep in mind that this item was not present in the regular sub box.

'Retro' Video Game Magazine

I haven't heard of Retro magazine so I don't yet know how excited I should be by this item. It looks like an interesting read and seems to be a variant/exclusive cover for the Geek Fuel box. I'm looking forward to seeing what this is like.

'Le Tour de Geek' Exclusive T-Shirt

This t-shirt is okay, but if I'm honest I don't really love it. It's black for one thing, and I only ever wear black t-shirts if I really like the design. The design is okay - it includes Link, Batman, Harley Quinn and some Mario shells competing in a bike race. It's a creative concept, but I think my complete lack of interest in cycling and/or anything related isn't helping to win me over here. I may keep it as a pyjama top but I don't know how much use I'll really get out of it.

A small number of subscribers received a special yellow version of this t-shirt, which I believe was part of some sort of contest. I think if you get a yellow shirt you receive a gift or something? It's unclear though.

Marvel #1 Issue Civil War Comic (Geek Fuel Exclusive)

Arguably, this is the most interesting/exciting item in the box - which means this month was most likely disappointing for anybody not interested in comics. Thankfully I am and I really like this. It was really carefully packed and came complete with a certificate of authenticity:

Apparently a small number of subscribers received a signed copy of the comic, but I was not one of the lucky ones.

Ant-Man Mini-Pint Shot Glass

This is adorable and I was very impressed that it got to me in one piece! Thumbs up for this item.

Burnstar Downloadable Game Code & Star Candy

Each month Geek Fuel send out a free game code like this, which makes the box very popular among gamers. Unfortunately, this sort of game has very little appeal to me and I can't decide whether or not to bother with it. I think it's great that they add these though - it makes Geek Fuel stand out among all of the other subscriptions and, for some, really increases the value of the box.

Firefly (?) Badge

I'm actually taking a guess here - the info card isn't explicit about whether or not this is from Firefly, but I think it is. I tried to watch Firefly and had to switch it off after 20 mins. It turns out space-westerns are not my genre. Even if I liked the show, everyone knows how I feel about badges in these boxes. They don't impress me and they go straight on my badge pile.

Aliens vs Vampirella Poster

I normally like getting posters in these kinds of boxes, but this misses the mark for me. As much as I'm a fan of Alien I do not know or like this Vampirella character (honestly she looks beyond tacky - I don't know how anyone other than a teenage boy would want her on their wall). I don't think this is an item I'll be holding onto.

Geek Fuel Magazine

This was an interesting magazine to flick through - I like that they do their own magazine with each box.

(Note: there was also an info card - yay - but I forgot to get pics)


There was quite a lot packed into this box and it was definitely worth more than I paid, which isn't always guaranteed for international subscribers to boxes like this. They set themselves apart as a company with the downloadable game codes and the Geek Fuel magazine. I think a lot of gamers and comic readers/collectors would enjoy this sub.

Having said that, I disliked the vast majority of what was in this box. I only really like the comic book and the shot glass. Everything else was either 'meh' or I just straight up didn't like it. None of that was Geek Fuel's fault - I think my tastes are just very different to those that they cater for.

I'm glad I tried the box - if you liked the items in this box, and are prepared to wait a while for your sub, then I would recommend them as a company. I won't be getting any more boxes because I don't think that they're for me, but it's always fun to see what other subscriptions are out there and give them a try.

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