Friday 10 July 2015

Popinabox July 2015 Review (Part 1)

Popinabox: July 2015 Review (Part 1)


I came home from work today to find this box waiting for me. I was fairly sure it was from Popinabox, but unfortunately they don't put any identifying information in/on their boxes so it can be hard to confirm if you receive a lot of deliveries.

I was also surprised to see such a small box - my subscription is for 2 Pops, and this was definitely only the size of 1 Pop. I've seen on their Facebook and Twitter pages that a lot of other people have received fewer Pops than they subscribed for, and I have definitely been charged for 2, so hopefully I will receive my other Pop in a few days!

This Pop was amazing though! I am very, very happy. Popinabox really indulged my love of Supernatural by sending me this guy:

'Dean Winchester' from Supernatural (Underground Toys Exclusive)

He is both metallic AND blood splattered - I couldn't have asked for more! I only have one other limited edition Pop in my collection (Grey Wind from GOT), so it's great to be sent a ltd. edition from a fandom that I really love.

I do already own the 'standard' Dean Pop, but in this instance I am more than happy to have the two of them in my collection - especially as I will probably keep the ltd. edition in his box. Here is a pic of the two of them together for comparison:

So, I don't know what my 2nd Pop is yet - or what is going on with that - but so far I am thrilled with this month's efforts. Make sure to check back for Part 2 if/when the next Pop arrives!

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