Tuesday 7 July 2015

Noob Cube Spoilers - August, September and October

Noob Cube: Spoilers for August, September and October 2015

Link: www.noobcube.co.uk

Noob Cube has announced the themes for each of their boxes, all the way up to October! I opted not to go for the July 'Bad Robot' box (which should be shipping any day now), but the upcoming themes sound very exciting indeed - right now I can see myself signing up for all 3 of the released themes!


The theme for August is 'Ghosts 'N Stuff'. I signed up for this box as soon as it became available. I can't wait to see what they do with this theme - there are so many great possibilities for spooky and supernatural type items.


The theme for September is 'Nature's Finest'. I'm intrigued by this one, partly because I can't really figure out what direction they would go with this box. 'Nature' is such a broad topic and could be open to interpretation here, so I definitely think that this is the most mysterious sounding of the boxes.


The theme for October is '7 Deadly Sins'. This is probably the most exciting, as Noob Cube have announced that they will be giving us one item for each sin. I'm hoping that they get really creative with this one! They have suggested that one of the items is a t-shirt and that they -may- allow customers to vote to have more of a say in what the t-shirt design is (this has only been suggested on Facebook though and is in no way confirmed).

I love that they've released a few themes at once like this - hopefully it will encourage a few more subscriptions for these guys. I really like all three themes and I hope you guys do too :)

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