Thursday 21 May 2015

Infinity Crate

Infinity Crate: UK Monthly Subscription Box Service


    One of the boxes that I am most excited to get my hands on this month is the Infinity Crate. They are a UK based company, with a cost of £16.99 per box (with free postage & packaging!). They’ve been around for a few months now and have had some really strong past boxes. I love that this is a really inexpensive box, but also really stands out among the competition. They promise to deliver a range of geeky items every month that take into consideration your own personal likes and dislikes. I’m not completely clear on how they manage to do this, but when you sign up you are asked to fill out a basic form stating what your favourite films, games and tv shows are. I really liked this and I have to be honest – it was a massive appeal when signing up. If they truly do stick to my particular interests then I will be extremely impressed. I love a mystery box (in case you hadn’t guessed), but it is always a disappointment to receive an item that you have no interest in. Personally, I am not at all into the vast majority of sci fi shows and fandoms, so those items tend not to be all that great for me. I’m going to have to wait and see though to give the verdict on how well this system works.

    Even with this promise to take your interests into account, each box is still given a theme. Some people like to receive a bit of a muddle of items, but I like it when a box is tied together by a theme. It can mean that a box misses the mark for you, but it can also be really great. The theme for May 2015, which will be my first box, is ‘Loss’. Now, as themes go this is particularly ambiguous in my eyes. It could be just about anything. I’m struggling to think of a show or story that I like that doesn’t involve loss in one way or another. So I honestly don’t know what to expect this month. I do know that I had a look at the logo for the loss theme, and spied a certain symbol from Supernatural in the centre of the ‘O’ (the anti-possession tattoo). I don’t want to get my hopes up too much, but I would be made up if I received a Supernatural related item. Worth noting as well is that they have already announced the theme for the June 2015 box, which is ‘Gather’. Again, not entirely sure what to expect with that but I immediately think of dragons and adventurers (gathering gold, princesses etc.), which is completely up my street.

    I can’t believe I haven’t already mentioned one of the biggest draws to this box! Each month, your box will include both a t-shirt and a Funko Pop vinyl, guaranteed. I love geeky t-shirts and I really, really love Funko Pops, so I am expecting to enjoy this box a lot. 

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