Thursday 21 May 2015


NerdBlock: Geeky Monthly Subscription Box Service (Canada)


    The first nerd/geek themed subscription box that I have signed up to is the highly popular NerdBlock. I've heard about them a few times as there are a load of reviews and unboxing videos available across the web for their past boxes. As I was putting this blog together, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to finally order one of these boxes and see how amazing they are. Though they are technically a Canadian subscription box company, they do ship to the UK for relatively reasonable rates. The box itself is $19.99 (USD) and the shipping cost is $12.50 (USD), which I worked out to be around £21 (GBP) in total. The price is not bad at all, but I need the box to impress me if I’m going to keep spending as much as I am on shipping.

    The boxes themselves appear to vary each month by theme. The first box that I will be reviewing, May 2015, has been given the theme ‘Ani-May’ and will hopefully include some exciting anime items. Whatever the theme, each month’s box includes a t-shirt and a variety of mystery collectables. I think there are between 5 and 6 items in every box, which seems to be really good value when you consider that they have a reputation for putting in good quality items rather than a lot of filler rubbish. I’m personally hoping to see some Funko Pop vinyls in my future boxes, but from what I have seen of NerdBlock so far there is a really wide variety of items that you could get – I’ve seen things I like in every NerdBlock I’ve come across.

    One of my favourite things about NerdBlock is that they offer a range of box types, which means that you can pick the one that suits you most or you can order more than one box. I’ve ordered the classic, simply because I think that it matches my taste better than the others do. As well as the classic, they offer two ‘Junior’ boxes (one for boys and one for girls), an arcade block for fans of video games, a horror block for those who appreciate the scary stuff and a comic block for comic book fans, which is new this May. For now I’m just going to see what the classic block has to offer, but I’m considering trying out a couple of the others in the future.

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