Wednesday 21 October 2015

Noob Cube October 2015 Review

Noob Cube: October 2015 Review, '7 Deadly Sins'


The theme for October's Noob Cube was the '7 Deadly Sins', in which they promised to include one item for each of the aforementioned sins.

This was the box as I opened it:

The info cards Noob Cube provide are fun because they tell you about all of the nerdy happenings in the world for each month, but I think that they're making a mistake in not providing an information card for the actual items in the box. Sometimes it's nice to read a little more about what you've been sent.

Loki T-Shirt

This was the item that seemed to be representing Envy. I guess it worked as a concept, but I actually I'm not a big fan of the character and I really don't like the design of the t-shirt itself. So, this item was a bit of a fail for me - but I can see how it would appeal to other subscribers.

Hulk Pocket Pop! Keychain

I reckon that this item represented Wrath. As with all Funko products, this is adorable and I'm pretty happy with it. I think these keychains cost a ridiculous amount of money, so I'm always happy to receive one in a box like this because I don't get the spending guilt!

Skull Sugar Spoon

I'm guessing that this one is for Gluttony. I think this might actually be my favourite item in this box - I absolutely love the look of it and it's such a different item from the usual fare that gets thrown into a box like this.

James Bond Playing Cards

Using James Bond to represent Lust seemed a bit...I'm not sure what - I felt that he wasn't a character that really fit into a box like this at all though. I've never liked the James Bond films so these really aren't for me.

Sloth Patch

I liked that they used a 'Sloth' themed item to represent Sloth. In practical terms though, I am disappointed to see patches and things in these boxes because they just seem so useless. I literally never use stuff like this.

Breaking Bad Stickers

I love these! I also love the idea of using Breaking Bad to represent Greed - this worked really well for the box.

300 Travel Pass Holder

I haven't seen 300 so I'm not sure, but I'm assuming that this is representing Avarice since that's the only sin left. It seems like a decent enough travel pass, but I don't personally have a lot of use for it.


To be honest, a lot of the stuff in this box felt like filler and it kinda felt like they were trying to force things into the theme rather than considering what kind of items their subscribers would actually like to receive. The theme had so much potential and I was really excited for this box, but I don't think they did as well as they could have done in bringing that to life.

Since they made such a big deal about the theme I also think that they needed to offer a little info on why they put each item in for each sin. They should have also have said which sin the item represented - it was difficult to figure out, although I was impressed with myself for remembering all 7!

I haven't found Noob Cube's recent boxes all that exciting and I'm in two minds as to whether or not I will be ordering November's 'Femme Fatale' box. I'm tempted to give them another chance, but I'm starting to think that their content might not be for me.

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